practising self care
Module 2
Sadness doesn't just leave you after being expressed. It will visit again.
Someone once said that it’s like sitting by a pool and watching
ripples of sadness come towards you.
Be ready and patient to sit by this pool of sadness.
It would be helpful to decide now how you want to handle your sadness.
If you find yourself in a busy or social setting, how would you excuse yourself to be alone or if you have to attend to the people around you, how will you make time later to attend to your sadness?
Notice how often you set your sadness aside. Ask yourself: Is it healthy to store it all up?
Grief will be a long process, and that is ok.
Through this very personal journey, don’t forget to practice self care. Taking care of yourself is the right thing to do and the best way to remember the person.
Self Care
Since doing Module 1, what are some other memories or thoughts that came up?
Journal Questions
What would the person want for you during this time?
What do you enjoy? What do you do to make yourself feel better?
Do something nice for yourself today. Make a hot cup of coffee, read a book or video call a friend to catch up.
How do you feel after giving to yourself?
What was good about the relationship?
What was unresolved between the both of us?
Moving forward, when considering the unresolved issue, how will I handle similar situations better with others?
Complete this statement: Even though things were not perfect, I am grateful for _______
What am I learning about my sadness?
Share your ideas for self care here or with the Braveheart Community on Facebook so we can all find new ways to take care of ourselves during challenging periods.
Continue to make time for yourself throughout your mourning period. Reach out to friends for support or give yourself enough time for self care.

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Take proper meals and proper baths
share memories with someone
Here are some ways that others have shared:
Weekly Check In
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