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Module 3

Friends are there to give encouragement, care and support in our lives.

Looking for ways to be a more supportive friend during this COVID-19 outbreak?

We have a few tips to share:

Before supporting your friends,

remember to breathe:




Create a calming space for your friend by being conscious of your breathing.


If you notice yourself becoming anxious or sad during the conversation, pause and ask for a few minutes to drink water and breathe.


Our goal is to keep with the calming model on our side on the conversation.

We support our friends better when we are kind to ourselves

Being kind to yourself takes courage and resilience.

Begin by practicing little acts of self care everyday:

Imagine having your ideal, perfect day

What does it look like?

What are you doing?

What do you do to feel better when you're down?


Talk to a friend?

Make yourself a cup of coffee?

Eat a scoop of your favourite ice cream?

What is important to you?


What steps can you take to achieve or approach it?

Take some time today for 1 of the self-care acts you thought of,

Share your ideas here and consider trying someone else's idea too!

Thanks for your submission!

sleep and drink wine


Do breathing exercises

Treat yourself to a good meal after a tough week

Watch Netflix

Share the care with your friends!

Apply your acts of self-care of with your friends.

Help them to find their own ways to take care of themselves, big or small.

Ask your friend: 

What do you need to have your perfect day?

What can I do to support or help you?

Ask What do you need?” and “What can I do to help?” without rushing your friend to feel better immediately.

Be a supportive friend they can rely on to feel heard and affirmed by listening to their response carefully and attending to their feelings and needs.

Let’s try putting this into practice and inviting our friends to turn to us for support and care!

Write a letter of appreciation for your friend to affirm and encourage them during this period. Thank them for times they've supported and helped you too!


Avoid criticism or suggesting changes, instead invite them to share their needs and hopes at their own pace with you.

We've prepared a template to help you get started. Think about your answers, and then rework your appreciation into a handwritten card for your friend!

Click to Download!
Friends M3 Letter r2.png

Thanks for your submission

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